Monday, April 7, 2008

Father Al, I Have Eco-Sinned By . . .

Mon dieu, my guilty eco-sin has to be my addiction to Crystal Geyser.

Gallons of it. Polluting plastic bottles that aren't about to bio-degrade anytime in the next 200 years.

How am to quell my quivering, quavering desire for this alleged alpine spring water? Even Britta + tap doesn't come close to that crystalline taste.

And then there's my love affair with paper towels . . .


atate said...

I have eco-sinned by drinking out of those cute square Fiji bottles and by driving around in my gas-guzzling crossover SUV. Atate

Sarah Browne said...

I am sure Father Al will absolve you if you do some Penance -- take public transportation to your next Sony meeting?

Anonymous said...

Bless me Father for I have
I only recycle my freezer bags
three times...the first for beef,
the second for veal, and after
the unthawed bloody chickin....
I simply succumb and toss.
I will say my three Hail Mary's.

Sarah Browne said...

Father Al says he would prefer that you give up the methane-producing meat entirely and switch to lentils.


Anonymous said...

Opps, make that chicken...guess I'll do another Hail Mary....

Sarah Browne said...

Don't forget to take the poll.

Sarah Browne said...

I love that you're taking the poll!

Anonymous said...

I have eco-sinned by getting my coffee to go just about every day without using a travel mug. I need to make my addiction eco-friendly!

But I do use public transportation and I try to use a canvas bag instead of paper or plastic when I go shopping.

Sarah Browne said...

I can never figure out which is worse --- using a disposable paper cup rather than a travel mug ... but that mug needs to be washed out after every use. And around here, water is in short supply.

Unknown said...

my biggest eco-sin is insisting that all of the papers i read be printed out on actual paper...I suppose the computer screen would work as well, but it's just not the same!

Anonymous said...

I have eco-sinned by not recycling all of the paper I use, and by taking longer- than- necessary showers.

This is a funny way to do one's first confession, seeing as how I am Jewish.

: )

Sarah Browne said...

For Jewish folks, I think the Penance would have to be either eating gefilte fish or cooking it for like 3 days in a dorm kitchen.

Anonymous said...

Water bottles are oh so handy, especially the gorgeously packaged huge ones that seem to make the water all so much better. I'm still getting over the transition, but try and splurge on a nice "Klean Kanteen." Some are silver, some have ladybugs and clowns all over. Maybe not clowns, but they have lots of different styles and brands. Also, knowing that you're not getting the remains of the disintegrating plastic in your bod makes you the change very rewarding. Getting a filter that you also believe and support makes the thought of drinking non-bottled water better!

Sarah Browne said...

I am trying to picture the Klean Kanteen bottle with the ladybugs on it. At least they're not SPIDERS.

Sarah W. Benson said...

My eco-sin is REALLY bad! Even though I'm no longer operating a taxi full time, one of my former customers still call me for transportation. Each week when she goes shopping for organic food, I keep my car running to provide light for doing counted cross stitch while waiting. At least I'm listening to the local NPR radio station where I get all the latest information about "Living Green."